
Course Registration : React Mastery Course - Fast Track

Introduction to ReactJS - Week 1
React Mastery Course - Week 1
Videos 1
Passing props and basic rendering techniques - Week 2
React Mastery Course - Week 2
Videos 1
Fundamentals of state mangement in ReactJS - Week 3
React Mastery Course - Week 3
Videos 1
Handling events and advanced state management - Week 4
React Mastery Course - Week 4
Videos 1
Data fetching and rendering from derived state - Week 5
React Mastery Course - Week 5
Videos 1
Adding basic routing to a ReactJS application - Week 6
React Mastery Course - Week 6
Videos 1
Adding user authentication to a React application with Clerk - Week 7
React Mastery Course - Week 7
Videos 1
Completing the guided project & farewell - Week 7
React Mastery Course - Week 8
Videos 1

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phone or the computer.

Total Fee Rs. 10,000
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